Pain/Musculoskeletal Issues: Whether your issue is acute or chronic, due to an injury or arthritis, acupuncture can help. Acupuncture is best known for its ability to eliminate pain. It has recently been shown to be more effective than Opioids. However, what most people don’t appreciate is that acupuncture also promotes healing. It can heal muscles, reverse disc herniations and halt arthritis in its tracks.
Fertility Issues: Unfortunately, the medical community still assume that when a couple fail to conceive that the issue is with the woman. Recent studies, however, have shown conclusively that approximately 50% of fertility issues lie with the man. Having a semen analysis is the simplest of tests and can yield a lot of valuable information, save a lot of valuable time and prevent a lot of invasive tests for your partner. And if there is an issue then I can help. Acupuncture has been proven to increase not only the quantity of sperm but also the quality. I usually use herbal supplements and dietary advice to potentiate treatment and yield the best result.
Skin Conditions: From psoriasis to eczema to acne…I’ve treated them all. A combination of acupuncture, herbal supplements and dietary advice usually works best but it’s totally dependent on the individual. Each treatment plan is tailored to your needs specifically. I’ve recently started to use LED light therapy for treatment of acne with amazing results. So, if you have a skin issue that’s getting you down don’t hesitate to give me a call.
Hayfever/Sinus issues: This is how I got into acupuncture! I suffered dreadfully with my sinuses and finally decided to try acupuncture to see if it would give me any relief. And I never looked back. It cleared my sinusitis, I never got hay fever again and I no longer suffer from migraines either. While it’s definitely best to try to treat hay fever before the season starts, it’s never too late. Relief is often instantaneous and usually a short course of treatment lasts for months, if not years.
Stress/Anxiety: Most men find it difficult to admit feeling anxious or stressed. Somehow or other they see it as weak. But it’s not weak, it’s normal. Our lives have never been so busy or stressful. This new age of technology comes at a price, we are never ‘off’! Acupuncture is fantastic for settling a fraught nervous system and calming an over-active mind. It promotes restful sleep and rebalances our hormones, reducing stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline and promoting feel good hormones such as serotonin.
Premature Ejaculation/Impotence: There are many reasons that a man can suffer with premature ejaculation or impotence. These reasons are discussed during the initial consultation. As long as there is no underlying medical condition causing the condition then acupuncture can help. Most importantly, the acupuncture points that are most effective are distal (away) from the area with the closest point used being on your tummy.

Pain/Musculoskeletal Issues: Whether your issue is acute or chronic, due to an injury or arthritis, acupuncture can help. Acupuncture is best known for its ability to eliminate pain. It has recently been shown to be more effective than Opioids. However, what most people don’t appreciate is that acupuncture also promotes healing. It can heal muscles, […]