Acupuncture isn’t the first line of treatment that parents usually think about for their teenagers’ ailments. Yet when they do they are often surprised by the results. Teenagers respond particularly well to acupuncture because their bodies are energetic hot beds, undergoing dramatic changes in response to hormonal changes. These years then, from child to adult, are a fantastic time to rebalance the system if it goes awry in some way, so that the issue doesn’t become established and isn’t brought into adulthood. This was really brought home to me recently by a very interesting case that that was presented to me.
About 3 months ago I received a phone call from a very worried Dad. His 14 year old son, Stephen*, was very sick and himself and his wife didn’t know where to turn. Having undergone a host of medical tests and investigations, including MRIs, nobody was any the wiser about what was going on with Stephen, and he was getting worse. Stephen’s initial complaint was stomach pain, which had commenced some 2 years earlier. He began getting debilitating cramps and felt very unwell much of the time. So, his Mum changed his diet and looked at some alternative therapies, both of which provided some relief. However, Stephen’s energy levels began to plummet. An avid sports man, Stephen eventually had to give up all physical activity as he barely had enough energy to get through the school day. And then the headaches started, along with neck and back pain. Now Stephen was missing chunks of school and his quality of life was severely compromised. Despite countless tests nothing showed up as being medically wrong with Stephen. It was at this point that Stephen was brought to see me for acupuncture.
It was clear from the very first treatment that Stephen was going to respond well to the acupuncture. When someone so young is that unwell you always proceed with caution so I only used 3 different acupuncture points that day. The effect during treatment was profound. Stephen’s body began to vibrate and he broke out in a cold sweat. Despite this he slept for 45 minutes while the needles were in place. That night Stephen slept for over 16 hours and it was the first time in months that he woke up refreshed. The headaches were much less and his back and neck felt a lot better. Each treatment brought more of the same, a profound reaction to the needles, followed by a profound step in his recovery. And he slept through every treatment!
After just 4 treatments Stephen was free of headaches, musculoskeletal pain and his stomach cramps had all but disappeared. His energy levels normalised and he started back training. I have seen him twice more for maintenance treatments and at his recent visit he was able to tell me that he had played in his first match. After nearly 3 years of ill health it is a joy to now see a vibrant and energetic teenager.
How our bodies respond to puberty is very much an individual thing. During this time our systems are literally in overdrive so if we are challenged with an illness or another stressor at this time then our bodies can overreact. Indeed, our bodies can overreact to the extreme changes that are happening even normally, as in the case of acne or painful and heavy periods for girls. But the positive side to this extreme is that, if treated, it can normalize very quickly and the effect can be life changing.
*Stephen is not the patient’s real name. Patient and parental consent was given to discuss Stephen’s case.
The issues that teenagers present with are varied. I have successfully treated migraines, headaches, neck and back pain, digestive issues, insomnia, acne, menstrual issues, anxiety and depression. Treatment is primarily based on acupuncture but in the case of musculoskeletal issues I sometimes use Gua Sha and cupping also. These techniques are fantastic when dealing with such problems as ‘text neck’, which I am seeing more and more frequently.
Acupuncture isn’t the first line of treatment that parents usually think about for their teenagers’ ailments. Yet when they do they are often surprised by the results. Teenagers respond particularly well to acupuncture because their bodies are energetic hot beds, undergoing dramatic changes in response to hormonal changes. These years then, from child to adult, […]