“I had not been in the best of health for some time, having had breast cancer the previous year. I saw Fiona’s brochure and decided to try acupuncture. You cannot believe how shocked and pleased I was with the initial results. I must admit I did not expect such a fast improvement in my health. I had lost my sense of smell for some time and this was regained almost immediately, without any medication whatsoever. My energy levels have improved and I would say that I am nearly back to my ‘old self’.”

Testimonial from a patient

Acupuncture isn’t exactly the first treatment that people think about when they are diagnosed with cancer. However, it has a lot to offer by way of support and healing, before, during and after. Listed below are some ways in which acupuncture can help.

Alleviating side effects of medication: Acupuncture can reduce the unpleasant side effects of both radiation and chemotherapy. It helps the body to deal with the toxic effects of these heavy duty treatment regimens. It can reduce nausea, boost energy levels and get rid of the metallic taste that many patients experience with chemotherapy.

Supporting the patient’s recovery: Once a patient’s course of chemotherapy and/or radiation is completed acupuncture sessions can be directed towards helping the body to heal. Wet cupping can be used to detoxify the body of the heavy medications that have been used, while acupuncture can be used to stimulate hair regrowth, boost the immune system and revitalise the patient.

Supporting the patient’s mental/emotional wellbeing: A cancer diagnosis does not just affect a person on a physical level but it also has a huge impact mentally and emotionally and this can often be forgotten. Acupuncture is superb at accessing and healing a person at this deep level. It can allow the patient to come to terms with their diagnosis initially and help them to move on with their lives afterwards, making them realise that it is not their illness that defines them as an individual.

Palliative care: When a patient is terminal acupuncture treatment can be directed towards alleviating pain and suffering. It can also help to calm the patient and help them find peace.

“I had not been in the best of health for some time, having had breast cancer the previous year. I saw Fiona’s brochure and decided to try acupuncture. You cannot believe how shocked and pleased I was with the initial results. I must admit I did not expect such a fast improvement in my health. […]