It’s fair to say that the majority of male clients that attend me do so for musculoskeletal problems. It can be anything from back pain to neck pain to shoulder pain to hip pain to sciatica. I see all of this daily. I’m also seeing a lot more male athletes that utilise treatment to prepare themselves physically and mentally for competitions and it works phenomenally well.
But while men are certainly becoming more interested and aware of their health there are still certain areas that they are slow to talk about. Whether it is out of fear or embarrassment, many men are still reticent to look for help when it comes to their mental health and their reproductive health. Admitting difficulty on a mental-emotional level is seen as a sign of weakness. After all society has taught us that ‘boys don’t cry’ and men should always show ‘a stiff upper lip’. I see it differently. Showing our vulnerability and asking for help when we are feeling mentally or emotionally challenged is a huge sign of courage. And acupuncture has a lot to offer for those that are experiencing psychological difficulties. Anxiety, depression and stress can all be treated successfully with acupuncture, whether the cause is from childhood trauma, substance or alcohol abuse, relationship issues or conflict at work. Treatment provides clarity and peace of mind, and often leads to the person making dramatic and positive changes to their life.
Acupuncture and Chinese herbs can also have profound effects on a man’s reproductive health. Fertility issues, such as a low sperm count or poor quality sperm can be treated extremely effectively, often raising levels to within a normal range. In addition, prostate problems, low libido, premature ejaculation and other reproductive problems can be successfully tackled. Usually treatment is the easy bit. It is taking that first step and making an appointment that the difficult part, but I can guarantee it’s worth it.

It’s fair to say that the majority of male clients that attend me do so for musculoskeletal problems. It can be anything from back pain to neck pain to shoulder pain to hip pain to sciatica. I see all of this daily. I’m also seeing a lot more male athletes that utilise treatment to prepare […]